Transnational Programmes


LTEN worked with a wide range of European partners from Spain, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands and Hungary in delivering the following projects:

SIED Supporting Inclusion in Enterprise Development 2005-2008 (EQUAL ESF) was a cross-sectoral partnership programme. The project strengthened our core work of promoting quality standards and evidence based practice through a number of innovations such as commissioning an evaluation of the piloting of the quality mark “Customer First” for a first cohort of Community Based Organisations, research publication “Creating A Culture of Quality” and setting up a cross-sectoral Quality Steering Group with representatives of all major awarding bodies.

EASI Empowering Asylum Seekers to Integrate 2004-2007 (EQUAL ESF) was a partnership of mainly refugee national organisations, which provided asylum seekers with a meaningful existence whilst awaiting a decision to their application. This was to ensure a smoother integration process for those who received a positive decision and a better position for those who were refused. EASI equipped asylum seekers with necessary skills such as IT, communication and interpersonal skills, to improve their opportunity of employment through volunteering placements.

  • ESOL and Further Education Changes 2007/08
  • Social Exclusion, Regugee Intergration and Entitlement to Work
  • Asylum Seekers and Volunteering in Europe

PRESTO Professional Refugees into Employment through Support, Training and Online Learning 2003-2006 ( EQUAL ESF) tested and disseminated a range of innovative training and employment packages of support for refugee professionals in particular sectors such as Health, education and engineering.

REFLEX 2002-2005 (EQUAL ESF) supported enterprise development in deprived communities who have experienced social exclusion in the labour market. The project complemented mainstream business support provision through developing capacity in community based organisations. 

Empowering women or perpetuating victimhood? Impact of domestic violence policy and practice for Minority Ethnic, Refugee and Roma women 2009 – 2010 EU/DG Justice Freedom & Security – Daphne Programme (£500,000):

The project aimed to contribute to the effectiveness of existing policy and practice on gender based domestic violence particularly for minority Ethnic, Refugee and Roma women. Women from these communities face particular barriers and challenges such as lack of culturally sensitive support and institutional discrimination that hinder their access to effective services and thus impact on their life chances.

Daphne IFT-I-IN (‘Enlightenment’) 2004-2005. Led by the Danish Somali Women Association, the project was a collaboration of organisations in Denmark, Holland and UK. IFT-I-IN aimed at strengthening, promoting and visualising the position of Somali women in Europe. It further developed methods of empowerment to improve their health by preventing and combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) through creative and artistic ways such as musical workshops and sketches performed by young women from the Somali communities in the three countries.

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