LTEN helps organisations grow
Increasing the sustainability of organisations working towards Systemic Change and Economic and Social Inclusion
We help organisations grow
LTEN offers its members/partners a strategic approach and opportunities for collaborative working and bidding. LTEN identifies, facilitates and leads the development of joint bids and its overall project management if successful. From inception LTEN has brought to the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) circa £1.5M each year for the last 25 years. Our delivery methodology ensures that we forge links with a vast number of community services across London. This supports our participants and our performance and generates local social economic growth.
All programme partners become LTEN members, which is an integral approach to our delivery. This ensures that our membership continues to flourish and helps organisations to grow.

What we offer
Building on our impressive track record of successful bidding that brings circa £1.5M per year into the VCS sector, LTEN also provides a range of targeted support and opportunities for its members, which promote systemic change and local social and economic growth.
Information Advice and Guidance (IAG)
Project Management
Project Management, Monitoring Delivery and Quality Assurance
Evaluation and Measuring Impact
Co-ordination of partnership bids and guidance on applying for funds
Bid writing
Bid writing, Grant application & Tenders
Networking and sharing best practice
Our current programmes
LTEN has an excellent track record in supporting innovative projects across London.