Strengthening Capacity of the Membership and Wider Network
Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) Development Scheme 2009 – 2011 – LDA/ESF Technical Assistance: was aimed at strengthening the capacity of the VCS by providing a range of information materials, workshops and individual tailor made support in accessing resources and developing business plans.
PQP-Promoting Quality & Performance 2008 – 2010 – London Councils (£449,000): Provided support in strengthening and developing the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organizations. TheTechnical Assistance programme (PQP) was designed to enable third sector organisations to compete for ESF funding in London; improve the quality of employment and training services delivered by third sector providers funded by ESF; provide strategic support to the third sector (ESF programme-wide intelligence), and provide basic operational level support (practical guidance around project set up, management and monitoring).
This support was delivered through a range of methods, including one-to-one face to face and telephone advice, workshops/group training sessions, online policy and topic-based briefings and information bulletins, mentoring, networking events, study visits and online training and third sector employer directories. Approximately 100 organisations were engaged and benefitted from the support – some achieved quality marks such as matrix and others successfully applied for a variety of funding streams.
SKEIN Skills for Economic Inclusion Network 2005 – 2007 – LSC: was a network of over 3,000 organisations with members from all 33 London boroughs. The project offered: regular E-bulletins, 1-1 advice surgeries, ongoing technical support, events and workshops and partnership brokerage. LTEN recruited the participation of over 200 organisations pan London; over 300 organisations attended specialist workshops and events orgnised by us and many went to on to become our members, delivery partners or associates.
VCS Assist 2013 – 2015 – part funded by ESF: provided support to London’s Voluntary sector (VCS organisations, to adapt and sustain themselves. The programme offered up to 3 days 1-1 free tailored technical support to over 60 organisations across London and a series of 21 half day good practice workshops/seminars.
Growth Access Project GAP 2013 – 2015 – part funded by ERDF: was designed to support SME/micro businesses to grow, through widening their access to procurement and supply chain opportunities. The primary focus for the project were BAME and women owned SME’s across London from a range of sectors including fashion/hair and beauty, specialist and niche food processing and manufacturing and sectors where there are new and emerging markets e.g. renewable energy and green technologies. Over 200 businesses were supported safeguarding more than 130 jobs and creating up to 107 positions. despite the challenging economic climate many businesses reported sales in new markets and improved performances with £1,334,893 gross value added and up to £2,971,850 in new sales and income generated.
Cultural-Business-Investment 2011 – 2013 -part funded by ERDF (£1,300,000):
The Cultural-Business-Investment (CBI – London) through the European Regional Development fund (ERDF), aimed to address both specialist and non-specialist business support availability, the low economic activity and declining sales within SME’s and micro cultural businesses from the apparel-fashion e.g. crafts, hair and beauty and related service industries clustered across London. The majority of these are women and BME owned. The CBI-London project links into the ERDF’s vision for business sustainability, aligned to social and economic inclusion targets for London.
Key successes of the project include:
- Promoting Lean Manufacturing processes
- Enabling new market penetration
- Synergy with local authorities and UKTI
- Generating increased sales
- Providing a platform for ethical and sustainable SMEs
- Bespoke support on adopting and embedding environmentally sustainable and ethical business practices
CBI supported over 270 businesses while safeguarding more than 65 jobs and creating up to 30 new full time equivalent jobs. In spite of an extremely challenging economic climate CBI business clients achieved a combined increased sales figure of over £1,000,000.
Total project contract value: £1,300,000
ERDF contribution: £650,000
The Lead Partner was London Training and Employment Network with up to 6 other delivery partners who participated in the programme.

Inspiring Enterprise and Growth (IEG) 2016 – 2021 (Part funded by ERDF)